
Botswana Railways has a safety policy in place which was drawn in accordance with local applicable laws. The safety policy guides BR in conducting business in a manner that promotes;

  • Proper consideration for Health and Safety
  • Fire Prevention
  • Control of damage to property and the environment

In fulfilling this policy, Botswana Railways provides a safe and healthy work environment for its staff and strives to identify all hazards arising from its operations and control them in the best practicable manner. Through the safety policy, Botswana Railways is committed to the following objectives;

  • Develop, implement and sustain world class railway safety standards, policies, processes and training programs.
  • Internalize a holistic safety culture throughout the organization. Promote a culture where each team player takes ownership of safety related issues.
  • Ensure compliance with the Railway Safety Regulator (RSR Act 16 of 2002) requirements and all other legislations affecting the health, safety and well being of our staff, the public and the environment
  • Adopt regional and international best practices to railway safety management in a cost effective manner.

Botswana Railways consistently ensures that the responsibility for safety is effectively assigned, accepted and fulfilled at all levels in the organization. All team leaders are expected to provide the leadership necessary to ensure that Botswana Railways continually seeks ways to improve its control of risk. Botswana Railways has clear corporate objectives which ensure that we conduct our operations safely and in a way that minimizes adverse environmental impacts.

A formal approach to safety and environmental issues was adopted by Botswana Railways in 2003, which set the path for future regulated railway safety standards. Such an approach enabled Botswana Railways to be the first SADC country to be issued a safety permit by the Railway Safety Regulator of South Africa. This came after Botswana Railways had applied for the permit through successful submission of its Safety Management System Reports (SMSR) and their subsequent review by the regulator.

Botswana Railways run safety campaigns regularly to raise awareness and reduces risk of accidents along the railway network involving both vehicles and pedestrians. The organisation uses various media such national television, educational material and distributes pamphets instructing drivers and pedestrians on railway safety.

Botswana Railways Offices

Mahalapye Main Road

Mowana Ward


Private Bag 0052




T - +2674711375

F - +2674711385

E - infoatbotrail [dot] bw
BR Express bookingsatbotrail [dot] bw

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