Oteng Uyapo Ndlovu
1.What are your Full names?
Oteng Uyapo Ndlovu
2.Who is your previous employer/s and work experience acquired?
a)PSU International (Pty) Ltd
Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning systems, upgrade of systems, user training and Project Management.
b)Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development
Financial Management, Procurement and Inventory management
c)Statistics Botswana
Procurement – planning, management, business planning and strategic sourcing
3.When did you join Botswana Railways?
June 1, 2018
4.Name your Department, new role and responsibilities?
Supply Chain, Working as Supply Chain Manager
Primary Responsibilities are:
a) Planning – establish supply requirements and schedules as well as demand forecasts. The aim is to ensure that all essential supplies are available when needed so that the company can meet market requirements as well as controlling costs, by minimizing unnecessary stock.
b)Supplier Performance – measure factors such as quality, cost and delivery performance. Collaborate with members of the supply chain to find ways of improving efficiency or reducing costs.
c)Communication – ensure supply chain members can respond quickly when market factors\conditions change through an effective communication process. Providing supply chain members with essential market and production information helps them plan their own operation schedules and investment programs.
d) Relationships – build mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers to work collaboratively. Instead of constantly changing suppliers to find the lowest prices, supply chain should build longer-term relationships with suppliers that offer quality, value, a willingness to collaborate and the flexibility to meet changing supply requirements.
5.What are your hobbies?
a) Travelling or relaxing with friends
b) Watching Football
c) Reading
Passenger Services
Botswana Railways Offices
Mahalapye Main Road
Mowana Ward
Private Bag 0052
T - +2674711375
F - +2674711385
E - infobotrail [dot] bw
BR Express bookingsbotrail [dot] bw