Friday, September 1, 2023

Every two years, participants from various railroad organizations throughout the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region gather for the Southern African Railways Sports and Cultural Organization (SARSCO) Games. These competitions provided a venue for recognizing the shared heritage and emphasizing the value of cooperation among these railroads. The games were held in Palapye this year instead of Gaborone, as is customary for Botswana; however, the change of scenery proved to be exactly what we all needed as nations flanked the games in much greater numbers than at the previous two SARSCO Games. In his welcome remarks, the Botswana Railways Board Chaiman, Mr. Mmoloki Ramaeba, noted that the SARSCO Games provide us with an exceptional opportunity to reflect upon the importance of railway relations and the seamless collaborations that underpin their success. He continued to add that It is through collaboration that we can overcome challenges, leverage each other's strengths, and strive for excellence. "In a world that is increasingly interconnected, collaboration is the key to unlocking innovative solutions and achieving sustainable development," noted Ramaeba. As we delve deeper into the significance of railroad relations, it becomes clear that collaboration is at the heart of their success. The SARSCO Games serve as a prime example of how seamless collaborations can lead to exceptional outcomes. Through working together, we can overcome obstacles and capitalize on each other's strengths to achieve excellence. In today's interconnected world, collaboration is essential for unlocking innovative solutions and driving sustainable development. By embracing collaboration, we can create a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. Let us continue to foster strong partnerships and work towards a better tomorrow.  The SARSCO Games are a beacon of unity and cooperation among the participating SADC Railway organizations and were more than just a sporting competition. As is the norm, the games included sporting codes such as football, netball, volleyball, morabaraba,chess,darts, draft, cycling, pool, and tug of war. The two-day event started on June 2 with a parade by all participants singing and chanting the country's songs. The atmosphere was filled with joy and camaraderie. Athletes from the participating railroads arrived at the event full of enthusiasm and with a proud display of their respective railroads. The National Railways of Zimbabwe, Transnet Freight Rail, Nacala Logistics, Portos e Caminhos de Ferro de Mozambique, and Eswatini Railways were among the railways that were present. Over the years, these railroads have developed solid collaborations, working together to meet obstacles and seize opportunities. showcased their talent and determination, competing in a variety of sports disciplines. The stadiums were packed with spectators who came to support and appreciate the exceptional skills of the participants. which led to the official opening of the Sarco games was led by the Southern African Railways Association (SARA) Secretariat's Executive Director, Mr. Babe Botana, who encouraged participants to fully immerse themselves in the games and showcase their talent and determination as they compete in a variety of port disciplines. As the final day of the games approached, anticipation was high for the Awards and Gala dinner ceremony, which had a 60s dress code theme. Participants took this theme seriously, arriving in stunning outfits that perfectly captured the essence of this iconic era. The evening was filled with laughter, joy, and celebration as athletes were recognized for their outstanding performances throughout the games. The rich heritage of each participating nation was celebrated during the SARSCO Games' cultural performances. The stage was filled with dances, music, and traditional attire, creating a colorful display of intercultural harmony. It was truly a memorable experience for everyone involved and a testament to the power of sport to bring people together from all walks of life.  The National Railways of Zimbabwe were the stars of the night, scooping many of the awards. The awards ceremony was a night of excitement and recognition for the top performers in the games. The National Railways of Zimbabwe stole the show, taking home numerous awards for their outstanding efforts, followed by Transnet Freight Rail, Botswana Railways, Eswatini Railways, Nacala Logistics, and lastly Portos e Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique (CFM). As the SARSCO Games came to an end, the competitors headed back to their respective railroad companies, taking with them the memories of friendship, teamwork, and shared history. They were once again made aware of the significance of cooperating in order to accomplish shared objectives. The SARSCO Games had not only strengthened the bonds between railroad organizations but also served as a reminder of the vital role they played in the socio-economic development of the region. Through their collaborations, these railways continued to enhance intermodal efficiencies, facilitate trade, and contribute to the prosperity of the SADC community. With renewed motivation and a deeper sense of unity, the railroads returned to their daily operations, ready to face new challenges and explore new opportunities. The SARSCO Games had proven that when railways across the SADC region collaborated, remarkable achievements were within reach, ensuring a brighter and more prosperous future for all. The success of the SARSCO Games would not have been possible without the generous support of sponsors. R Properties, Gabcon, Searail, BraveHeart, Botswana Housing Corporation, Morupule Coal Mine, ERB, CAAB, and Worldwide had all contributed to making these games a memorable and successful event. Their involvement demonstrated their commitment to the development and growth of the railway industry in the SADC region. 

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