Botswana Railways 5 year strategy launched.
We have started a new journey, an exciting road map that gives us fresh energy to propel this organisation and economy into the new future.
The years 2017 and 2018 ushered in a new leadership, both at the Board, Executive and Senior Management Level. This ‘state of flux’ was not helped by the fact that the then operating strategy was coming to an end, this according to the CEO when delivering the 2018/19 Annual Report needed a lot of balance hence his decision to delay the formulation of the new five-year plan.
This he said allowed him to familiarise himself with the operations of the organisation while also consolidating stability.
Fast forward! The 2019/20- 2023/24 strategy has since been developed, approved and is being cascaded across all levels of the organisation .
The salient features and changes……
Vision Statement
The vision statement captures the BR’s “desired future position” and provides a picture of what success will look like when the strategy has been realised, as defined above;
Mission Statement
The mission is a brief statement that defines why BR exists. It describes the fundamental purpose and the client and stakeholder value proposition by answering the five key questions of the what, why, how, for whom and where of our services.
Core Values
The core values represent the attitudes, behaviours, and characters that will create an enabling environment, guide the organisation and shape the high-performance culture.
Passenger Services
Botswana Railways Offices
Mahalapye Main Road
Mowana Ward
Private Bag 0052
T - +2674711375
F - +2674711385
E - infobotrail [dot] bw
BR Express bookingsbotrail [dot] bw