Tender Process

Publication of Tender

Botswana Railways publishes advertisements of available tenders in the national, regional, international press and this website. Potential suppliers are advised to regularly consult newspapers and this website for available tenders. Potential supplier will be required to pay a fee to obtain a copy of the tender document from the Procurement Section at Botswana Railways Headquarters in Mahalapye, Botswana.

Tender submission

Tenders, sealed and marked clearly with corresponding tender number, must be put into the prescribed tender box to the address specified in the invitation to tender before the closing time on the closing date. Late tenders will not be accepted.

Tender opening

Received tenders are kept secure and unopened until the closing date, when they are opened in the presence of five internal officers and tenderers. Late tenders are rejected without being opened.

Tender evaluation and award

Opened tenders are passed to the properly constituted committee for evaluation, which may take a few days or several weeks. All tenderers are notified of the outcome in writing and the successful tenderer will be issued with a contract. We offer to debrief unsuccessful tenderers on request.


Successful supplier will be offered a contract. Botswana Railways expects the supplier to deliver according to the specifications in the tender document and ensure that superior service and quality product is delivered to the organisation.

Botswana Railways Offices

Mahalapye Main Road

Mowana Ward


Private Bag 0052




T - +2674711375

F - +2674711385

E - infoatbotrail [dot] bw
BR Express bookingsatbotrail [dot] bw

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