Sea Rail Botswana
Sea Rail Botswana Pty Ltd
A Dry Port in Namibia, wholly owned subsidiary of Botswana Railways that operates a dry port facility leased from Namport. The dry port is located adjacent to Namport in Walvis Bay on the western coast of Southern Africa. The location enables the port to capture a large portion of SADC imports and exports that originate from, or are destined for the European market. Commodities that are imported or exported from Botswana through the west coast will therefore form a large percentage of the potential Sea Rail dry port market.
The port business offers:-
- Container Handling;
- Vehicle Handling; and
- Warehousing
Sea Rail Botswana
Postal Address: P.O. Box 5100, WalvisBay, Namibia T: +264 64221915/ 64203434 E: infosea-rail [dot] com [dot] na
Passenger Services
Botswana Railways Offices
Mahalapye Main Road
Mowana Ward
Private Bag 0052
T - +2674711375
F - +2674711385
E - infobotrail [dot] bw
BR Express bookingsbotrail [dot] bw