
Our 641 km rail system from Ramatlabama to Bakaranga coupled with branch lines to various lines offers convenient, reliable and cost effective freight service for minerals such as coal, soda ash, salt, cement, fuel and copper. Our transit times between the south and north are fast enabling an efficient customer centric service delivery. 

Botswana Railways Freight Services is the country’s leading transport operator of bulk goods.  With the ongoing mineral explorations taking place in Botswana and the discovery of various mineral deposits in certain parts of the country (mainly coal), opportunities are there to grow the Railway business.


Botswana Railways Offices

Mahalapye Main Road

Mowana Ward


Private Bag 0052




T - +2674711375

F - +2674711385

E - infoatbotrail [dot] bw
BR Express bookingsatbotrail [dot] bw

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