Tuesday, December 18, 2018

As part of its corporate social responsibility Botswana Railways (BR) participated at the Mowana Community Junior Secondary School, St Patrick’s and Goo Tau Primary Schools’ prize giving ceremonies respectively. Mr Stephen Makuke - Director Business Development was honoured with an invite to be a guest speaker at Mowana CJSS prize giving ceremony where he applauded the devotion by teachers towards nurturing academic development. He implored teachers to continue to be the spark that ignites the desire to learnin students.Makuke noted that Mowana CJSS used to be the beacon of academic excellence and the pride of Mahalapye in the region while raising his concerns on the recent drop in results. He challenged Mowana staff and students to return to their glory days. Botswana Railways also presented a P5.000.00 cheque towards the ceremony. Speaking at the St. Patrick ceremony, BR Signals and Telecommunications Engineer Mrs. Lesedi Gaolemoge said “we are living in the 21st century and education has changed drastically. Gaolemoge stated that modern technology has hit the education market and therefore it is vital to empower learners with skills relevant to today’s technology.Meanwhile BR Project Manager Mr. Thabo Gabanamotse implored Gootau School Management, students and community to continue working together for the success of Gootau Primary School. With the pass rate of 93.8% ABC in 2017 and 50% AB the school became Position 5 in the Sub Region & Position 2 in the constituency. He further urged learners to take their studies seriously as education is the key to success.  “A successful human resource is the most educated one, he added.”

Botswana Railways Offices

Mahalapye Main Road

Mowana Ward


Private Bag 0052




T - +2674711375

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E - infoatbotrail [dot] bw
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