The Gift of Giving

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

It is true that where one’s born, how they were raised and the surrounding and people they grew up around eventually shapes them into the adults that they become.

This notion is strongly depicted by the way we Batswana live and relate with one another, even from the days of our great grandparents we knew that the fortunate would give to the less fortunate, a kind gesture that went a long way and made a difference in the lives of those touched.

Botswana’s outgoing President His Excellency Lieutenant General Dr. Seretse Khama Ian Khama has in his years of Leadership showed the importance of ‘Botho' and retaining the less fortunate’s dignity. It is because of that that he introduced The President’s Housing Appeal which calls on all who are able i.e., individuals, groups of individuals and companies to help build houses for the needy.

It is against this background that Botswana Railways joined Madiba Brigade in Kalamare as they donated a house to one of their former students and his family who have been struggling with lack of shelter for some time. Botswana Railways being a good corporate citizen that we are, was present as one of the organisations that helped Madiba Brigade achieve its goal of building a house by making a donation to the school.

Speaking at the house hand over on behalf of the President, Senior Private Secretary to the President Brigadier George Tlhalerwa noted that this was the 825th house under the President’s Appeal. He further noted that there are 10 more houses still being built.

The house recipient Mr. Tshepiso Matsuatsue expressed his appreciation and thankfulness for the kind gesture extended to him and his family. “I do not have a lot to say but thank you to my colleagues from Mabiba Brigades, I’m so happy and feel loved because of his donation” said Mr. Tshepiso.

Botswana Railways also partook in a groundbreaking ceremony by Mahalapye Umbrella VDC in Mahalapye West ward. This is yet another project in which the organisation has extended a helping hand in to ensure that the project becomes a success by making a donation.

“Botswana Railways was one of the first companies to heed to our request and even delegated a member of their staff to be a part of our sponsored walk which enabled us to raise funds” said Umbrella VDC Chair Mr. Mompati Ntapu.

Botswana Railways is proud be able to continually to show compassion demonstrating that indeed it recognises its responsibility as a corporate citizen towards its stakeholders and the communities within which it operates showing and supporting the Government‘s initiatives by extending a helping hand whenever they can.

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